This is a story about how a frumpy, small town teacher turns into a beautiful princess. An ugly duckling to a better version of myself.
Until I met Tyler, I thought my rainbow open toe wedges and sweater covered in kittens were cute. I mean I teach young children, they appreciate those things.

He referred to me as "the uglying duckling of teachers."
I felt like I was in the movie Mean Girls, except Tyler wasn't mean at all. Maybe he's more along the line of Clinton Kelly from What Not to Wear.
Allison Pfander
12/16/2013 02:13:32 am

I love your idea of tying "What Not To Wear" into your Twitterive. I find that show to sometimes be shocking. There is a huge wow factor of some of the clothes that people wear. I also like how you are going to tie in a Cinderella-like story line. Maybe once your character gets done her makeover, she can turn into some type of Cinderella.


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